van Roosbroeck system

In both of the following examples, we solve the van Roosbroeck equations, a system of partial differential equations which describe current flow in a bipolar multi layer device:

\[\begin{aligned} - \nabla \cdot (\varepsilon_s \nabla \psi) &= q \Big( (p(\psi, \varphi_p) - C_p ) - (n(\psi, \varphi_n) - C_n) \Big),\\ q \partial_t n(\psi, \varphi_n) -\nabla \cdot \mathbf{j}_n &= -qR(n,p), \\ q \partial_t p(\psi, \varphi_p) + \nabla \cdot \mathbf{j}_p &= -qR(n,p). \end{aligned}\]

Ohmic contacts will be used as boundary conditions. We will proceed as follows

Step 1: Initialize grid

Step 2: Initialize physical model

Step 3: Solve the problem in equilibrium

Step 4: Solve the problem for an applied bias

Example 1: Stationary 1D problem (region doping)

We consider a three-layer GaAs p-i-n device in one dimension. We will explain the PIN example in greater detail.

Step 1: Initialize grid

We have three layers and two external boundaries. We would like to solve the van Roosbroeck system on a uniform mesh with local grid refinement. We declare subregions and external boundaries.

## region numbers
regionAcceptor   = 1          # p doped region
regionIntrinsic  = 2          # intrinsic region
regionDonor      = 3          # n doped region
regions          = [regionAcceptor, regionIntrinsic, regionDonor]
numberOfRegions  = length(regions)

## boundary region numbers
# Note that by convention we have 1 for the left boundary and 2 for the right boundary. If
# adding additional interior boundaries, continue with 3, 4, ...
bregionAcceptor  = 1
bregionDonor     = 2
bregionJunction1 = 3
bregionJunction2 = 4

## grid
refinementfactor = 2^(n-1)
h_pdoping        = 2.0    * μm
h_intrinsic      = 2.0    * μm
h_ndoping        = 2.0    * μm
h_total          = h_pdoping + h_intrinsic + h_ndoping
w_device         = 0.5    * μm  # width of device
z_device         = 1.0e-4 * cm  # depth of device
coord            = initialize_pin_grid(refinementfactor,

grid             = simplexgrid(coord)

## cellmask! for defining the subregions and assigning region number
cellmask!(grid, [0.0 * μm],                [h_pdoping],                           regionAcceptor)  # p-doped region = 1
cellmask!(grid, [h_pdoping],               [h_pdoping + h_intrinsic],             regionIntrinsic) # intrinsic region = 2
cellmask!(grid, [h_pdoping + h_intrinsic], [h_pdoping + h_intrinsic + h_ndoping], regionDonor)     # n-doped region = 3

## bfacemask! for setting different boundary regions. At exterior boundaries they are automatically set by
## ExtendableGridsjl. Thus, there the following two lines are actually unneccesarry, but are only written for completeness.
bfacemask!(grid, [0.0],                     [0.0],                     bregionAcceptor)     # outer left boundary
bfacemask!(grid, [h_total],                 [h_total],                 bregionDonor)  # outer right boundary
bfacemask!(grid, [h_pdoping],               [h_pdoping],               bregionJunction1) # first  inner interface
bfacemask!(grid, [h_pdoping + h_intrinsic], [h_pdoping + h_intrinsic], bregionJunction2) # second inner interface

Step 2: Initialize physical model

Next, we choose relevant physical models such as the underlying statistics function or the recombination model. Additional options are stated in the comments. Furthermore, we define the charge carrier indices. The index for the electrostatic potential is set automatically to numberOfCarriers + 1.

# Set indices for the quasi Fermi potentials
iphin                  = 1    # electrons
iphip                  = 2    # holes
numberOfCarriers       = 2

# Initialize Data instance
data                   = Data(grid, numberOfCarriers)

# Solve the stationary problem instead of the transient one
data.modelType         = Stationary

# Choose statistical relation between density and qF potential
# options: Boltzmann, FermiDiracOneHalfBednarczyk,
#          FermiDiracOneHalfTeSCA FermiDiracMinusOne, Blakemore
data.F                .= Boltzmann

# Enable/Disable recombination processes, the default is stationary SRH recombination.
data.bulkRecombination = set_bulk_recombination(;iphin = iphin, iphip = iphip,
                                                 bulk_recomb_Auger = true,
                                                 bulk_recomb_radiative = true,
                                                 bulk_recomb_SRH = true)

# choose boundary models
# exterior boundaries: OhmicContact and SchottkyContact
# interior boundaries: InterfaceModelNone, InterfaceModelSurfaceReco.
data.boundaryType[bregionAcceptor] = OhmicContact
data.boundaryType[bregionDonor]    = OhmicContact

# choose flux discretization scheme: ScharfetterGummel ScharfetterGummelGraded,
# ExcessChemicalPotential, ExcessChemicalPotentialGraded, DiffusionEnhanced, GeneralizedSG
data.fluxApproximation            .= ExcessChemicalPotential

Next, we fill in pre-defined or externally read in parameter values.

# params contains all necessary physical parameters
params                                              = Params(grid, numberOfCarriers)
params.temperature                                  = T
params.UT                                           = (kB * params.temperature) / q
params.chargeNumbers[iphin]                         = -1
params.chargeNumbers[iphip]                         =  1

for ireg in 1:numberOfRegions           # region data

    params.dielectricConstant[ireg]                 = εr  * ε0

    # effective DOS, band-edge energy and mobilities
    params.densityOfStates[iphin, ireg]             = Nc
    params.densityOfStates[iphip, ireg]             = Nv
    params.bandEdgeEnergy[iphin, ireg]              = Ec
    params.bandEdgeEnergy[iphip, ireg]              = Ev
    params.mobility[iphin, ireg]                    = mun
    params.mobility[iphip, ireg]                    = mup

    # recombination parameters
    params.recombinationRadiative[ireg]             = Radiative
    params.recombinationSRHLifetime[iphin, ireg]    = SRH_LifeTime
    params.recombinationSRHLifetime[iphip, ireg]    = SRH_LifeTime
    params.recombinationSRHTrapDensity[iphin, ireg] = SRH_TrapDensity
    params.recombinationSRHTrapDensity[iphip, ireg] = SRH_TrapDensity
    params.recombinationAuger[iphin, ireg]          = Auger
    params.recombinationAuger[iphip, ireg]          = Auger


# doping
params.doping[iphin, regionDonor]                   = Nd
params.doping[iphin, regionIntrinsic]               = ni
params.doping[iphip, regionIntrinsic]               = 0.0
params.doping[iphip, regionAcceptor]                = Na

# Initialize a ChargeTransport struct
data.params   = params
ctsys         = System(grid, data, unknown_storage=unknown_storage)

Step 3: Solve the problem in equilibrium

Solve the equilibrium. Note that control refers to the SolverControl parameters given in VoronoiFVM.

solution = equilibrium_solve!(ctsys, control = control)
inival   = solution

Step 4: Solve the problem for an applied bias

Starting from the equilibrium solution, we increase the applied voltage.

maxBias    = voltageAcceptor # bias at acceptor boundary
biasValues = range(0, stop = maxBias, length = 32)

for Δu in biasValues
    set_contact!(ctsys, bregionAcceptor, Δu = Δu) # non equilibrium bc
    solution  = solve(ctsys; inival = inival, control = control)
    inival   .= solution

To be consistent with the latest changes of VoronoiFVM, please do not use the solve!() function anymore. Otherwise, you will get deprecation warnings.

Step 5: Postprocessing

By adding the following line to the previous loop

current = get_current_val(ctsys, solution)

we have the possibility to calculate the total current.

Moreover, there are several different plotting routines, see ct_plotting.jl.

Example 2: Stationary 1D problem (nodal doping)

Now, instead of using regionwise doping it is possible to apply a nodal doping. (This is indeed also possible for other physical parameters, see the description of ParamsNodal.) For this, go to previous Step 2, where you build your parameter set and adjust the doping initialization (code snippet is from this example)

paramsnodal = ParamsNodal(grid, numberOfCarriers)

# initialize the space dependent doping
NDoping = 1.0e17  / cm^3; κ = 500.0
for icoord = 1:numberOfNodes
    t1 = tanh( (0.1 - coord[icoord]/μm) *κ )
    t2 = 1.0 + tanh( (coord[icoord]/μm - 0.2) * κ )
    paramsnodal.doping[icoord] = NDoping * 0.5 * ( 1.0  +  t1  - t2 )

data.paramsnodal  = paramsnodal