Example code for a 3D grid.

(source code)

This code provides an unstructured grid for a three-dimensional domain with an additional quadratic hole within the device. The grid is produced with TetGen.jl.

module Grid_3D

using ExtendableGrids

using ChargeTransport
# For using this example, one additionally needs to add TetGen. SimplexGridFactory is a wrapper for using this meshgenerator.
using SimplexGridFactory
using TetGen
using GLMakie

function main(;Plotter = GLMakie, plotting = true) # plotting is currently only tested with GLMakie and PyPlot



        # region numbers
        regionDonor     = 1                           # n doped region
        regionIntrinsic = 2                           # intrinsic region
        regionAcceptor  = 3                           # p doped region

        # boundary region numbers
        bregionDonor    = 1
        bregionAcceptor = 2
        bregionJ1       = 3
        bregionJ2       = 4
        bregionNoFlux   = 5

        # grid
        h_ndoping       = 9.90e-6 * cm
        h_intrinsic     = 4.00e-5 * cm + 2.0e-7 * cm
        h_pdoping       = 1.99e-5 * cm
        height          = 3.00e-5 * cm
        width           = 3.00e-5 * cm

        # lower area (nregion)
        Area1length_0   = point!(b, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        Area1length_n   = point!(b, h_ndoping, 0.0, 0.0)
        Area1width_n    = point!(b, h_ndoping, width, 0)
        Area1width_0    = point!(b, 0, width, 0)

        # upper area (nregion)
        Area2length_0   = point!(b, 0.0, 0.0, height)
        Area2length_n   = point!(b, h_ndoping, 0.0, height)
        Area2height_n   = point!(b, h_ndoping, width, height)
        Area2height_0   = point!(b, 0, width, height)

        # lower area (iregion)
        Area1length_ni  = point!(b, h_ndoping + h_intrinsic, 0.0, 0.0)
        Area1width_ni   = point!(b, h_ndoping + h_intrinsic, width, 0)
        # upper area (iregion)
        Area2length_ni  = point!(b, h_ndoping + h_intrinsic, 0.0, height)
        Area2height_ni  = point!(b, h_ndoping + h_intrinsic, width, height)

        # lower area (pregion)
        Area1length_nip = point!(b, h_ndoping + h_intrinsic + h_pdoping, 0.0, 0.0)
        Area1width_nip  = point!(b, h_ndoping + h_intrinsic + h_pdoping, width, 0)
        # upper area (pregion)
        Area2length_nip = point!(b, h_ndoping + h_intrinsic + h_pdoping, 0.0, height)
        Area2height_nip = point!(b, h_ndoping + h_intrinsic + h_pdoping, width, height)

        # n-region
        facetregion!(b, bregionNoFlux) # surface below
        facet!(b, Area1length_0, Area1length_n, Area1width_n, Area1width_0)
        facetregion!(b, bregionNoFlux) # surface up
        facet!(b, Area2length_0, Area2length_n, Area2height_n, Area2height_0)
        facetregion!(b, bregionNoFlux) # surface front
        facet!(b, Area1length_0, Area1length_n ,Area2length_n, Area2length_0)
        facetregion!(b, bregionNoFlux) # surface back
        facet!(b, Area1width_n, Area1width_0, Area2height_0, Area2height_n)

        # i-region
        facetregion!(b, bregionNoFlux) # surface below
        facet!(b, Area1length_n, Area1length_ni, Area1width_ni, Area1width_n)
        facetregion!(b, bregionNoFlux) # surface up
        facet!(b, Area2length_n, Area2length_ni, Area2height_ni, Area2height_n)
        facetregion!(b, bregionNoFlux) # surface front
        facet!(b, Area1length_n, Area1length_ni, Area2length_ni, Area2length_n)
        facetregion!(b, bregionNoFlux) # surface back
        facet!(b, Area1width_ni, Area1width_n, Area2height_n, Area2height_ni)

        # p-region
        facetregion!(b, bregionNoFlux) # untere Oberfläche
        facet!(b, Area1length_ni, Area1length_nip, Area1width_nip, Area1width_ni)
        facetregion!(b, bregionNoFlux) # surface up
        facet!(b, Area2length_ni, Area2length_nip, Area2height_nip, Area2height_ni)
        facetregion!(b, bregionNoFlux) # surface front
        facet!(b, Area1length_ni, Area1length_nip, Area2length_nip, Area2length_ni)
        facetregion!(b, bregionNoFlux) # surface back
        facet!(b, Area1width_nip, Area1width_ni, Area2height_ni, Area2height_nip)

        # inner interfaces
        facetregion!(b, bregionJ1) # inner interface n/i
        facet!(b, Area1length_n, Area1width_n, Area2height_n, Area2length_n)
        facetregion!(b, bregionJ2) # inner interface i/n
        facet!(b, Area1length_ni, Area1width_ni, Area2height_ni, Area2length_ni)

        facetregion!(b, bregionDonor) # metalinterface left
        facet!(b, Area1width_0, Area1length_0, Area2length_0, Area2height_0)
        facetregion!(b, bregionAcceptor) # metalinterface right
        facet!(b, Area1width_nip, Area1length_nip, Area2length_nip, Area2height_nip)

        distance = 8.0e-6*cm

        hp1 = point!(b,h_ndoping + h_intrinsic/2 - distance ,width/2 - distance, height/2 - distance)
        hp2 = point!(b,h_ndoping + h_intrinsic/2 + distance ,width/2 - distance, height/2 - distance)
        hp3 = point!(b,h_ndoping + h_intrinsic/2 + distance ,width/2 + distance, height/2 - distance)
        hp4 = point!(b,h_ndoping + h_intrinsic/2 - distance, width/2 + distance, height/2 - distance)
        hp5 = point!(b,h_ndoping + h_intrinsic/2 - distance, width/2 - distance, height/2 + distance)
        hp6 = point!(b,h_ndoping + h_intrinsic/2 + distance, width/2 - distance, height/2 + distance)
        hp7 = point!(b,h_ndoping + h_intrinsic/2 + distance, width/2 + distance, height/2 + distance)
        hp8 = point!(b,h_ndoping + h_intrinsic/2 - distance, width/2 + distance, height/2 + distance)

        facet!(b, hp1, hp2, hp3, hp4)
        facet!(b, hp5, hp6, hp7, hp8)
        facet!(b, hp1, hp2, hp6, hp5)
        facet!(b, hp2, hp3, hp7, hp6)
        facet!(b, hp3, hp4, hp8, hp7)
        facet!(b, hp4, hp1, hp5, hp8)
        holepoint!(b, h_ndoping + h_intrinsic/2, width/2, height/2)

        cellregion!(b, regionDonor)
        regionpoint!(b, h_ndoping-2.0e-6*cm, width/2-2.0e-6*cm, height/2-2.0e-6*cm)
        cellregion!(b, regionIntrinsic)
        regionpoint!(b, h_ndoping+h_intrinsic-6.0e-6*cm, width/2-6.0e-6*cm, height/2-6.0e-6*cm)
        cellregion!(b, regionAcceptor)
        regionpoint!(b, h_ndoping+h_intrinsic+h_pdoping-6.0e-6*cm, width/2-6.0e-6*cm, height/2-6.0e-6*cm)

        options!(b, maxvolume=1.0e-24)



    grid = simplexgrid(builder3d)

    if plotting == true # plotting is currently only tested with GLMakie and PyPlot
        gridplot(Plotter = Plotter, grid, zplane=1.50e-7,azim=20,elev=60,linewidth=0.5, legend=:lt)

end # main

end # module

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