GaAs diode (1D).

(source code)

We simulate charge transport in a GaAs pin diode, where we use the van Roosbroeck system of equations as charge transport model. The unknowns are given by the quasi Fermi potentials of electrons and holes $\varphi_n$, $\varphi_p$ and the electric potential $\psi$. The simulations are performed out of equilibrium and for the stationary problem.

module Ex101_PIN

using ChargeTransport  # drift-diffusion solver
using ExtendableGrids  # grid initializer
using PyPlot           # solution visualizer

# This function is used to initialize the grid for a possible extension to other p-i-n devices.
function initialize_pin_grid(refinementfactor, h_ndoping, h_intrinsic, h_pdoping)
    coord_ndoping    = collect(range(0.0, stop = h_ndoping, length = 3 * refinementfactor))
    coord_intrinsic  = collect(range(h_ndoping, stop = (h_ndoping + h_intrinsic), length = 3 * refinementfactor))
    coord_pdoping    = collect(range((h_ndoping + h_intrinsic), stop = (h_ndoping + h_intrinsic + h_pdoping), length = 3 * refinementfactor))
    coord            = glue(coord_ndoping, coord_intrinsic)
    coord            = glue(coord, coord_pdoping)

    return coord

you can also use other Plotters, if you add them to the example file

function main(;n = 3, Plotter = PyPlot, plotting = false, verbose = false, test = false, unknown_storage=:sparse)

    if plotting
    if test == false
        println("Set up grid and regions")

    # region numbers
    regionAcceptor   = 1          # p doped region
    regionIntrinsic  = 2          # intrinsic region
    regionDonor      = 3          # n doped region
    regions          = [regionAcceptor, regionIntrinsic, regionDonor]
    numberOfRegions  = length(regions)

    # boundary region numbers
    # Note that by convention we have 1 for the left boundary and 2 for the right boundary. If
    # adding additional interior boundaries, continue with 3, 4, ...
    bregionAcceptor  = 1
    bregionDonor     = 2
    bregionJunction1 = 3
    bregionJunction2 = 4

    # grid
    refinementfactor = 2^(n-1)
    h_pdoping        = 2.0    * μm
    h_intrinsic      = 2.0    * μm
    h_ndoping        = 2.0    * μm
    h_total          = h_pdoping + h_intrinsic + h_ndoping
    w_device         = 0.5    * μm  # width of device
    z_device         = 1.0e-4 * cm  # depth of device
    coord            = initialize_pin_grid(refinementfactor,

    grid             = simplexgrid(coord)

    # cellmask! for defining the subregions and assigning region number
    cellmask!(grid, [0.0 * μm],                [h_pdoping],                           regionAcceptor)  # p-doped region = 1
    cellmask!(grid, [h_pdoping],               [h_pdoping + h_intrinsic],             regionIntrinsic) # intrinsic region = 2
    cellmask!(grid, [h_pdoping + h_intrinsic], [h_pdoping + h_intrinsic + h_ndoping], regionDonor)     # n-doped region = 3

    # bfacemask! for setting different boundary regions. At exterior boundaries they are
    # automatically set by ExtendableGridsjl. Thus, there the following two lines are actually
    # unneccesarry, but are only written for completeness.
    bfacemask!(grid, [0.0],                     [0.0],                     bregionAcceptor)     # outer left boundary
    bfacemask!(grid, [h_total],                 [h_total],                 bregionDonor)  # outer right boundary
    bfacemask!(grid, [h_pdoping],               [h_pdoping],               bregionJunction1) # first  inner interface
    bfacemask!(grid, [h_pdoping + h_intrinsic], [h_pdoping + h_intrinsic], bregionJunction2) # second inner interface

    if plotting
        gridplot(grid, Plotter = Plotter, legend=:lt)

    if test == false
        println("*** done\n")
    if test == false
        println("Define physical parameters and model")

    # set indices of the quasi Fermi potentials
    iphin            = 1 # electron quasi Fermi potential
    iphip            = 2 # hole quasi Fermi potential
    numberOfCarriers = 2

We define the physical data.

    Ec               = 1.424                *  eV
    Ev               = 0.0                  *  eV
    Nc               = 4.351959895879690e17 / (cm^3)
    Nv               = 9.139615903601645e18 / (cm^3)
    mun              = 8500.0               * (cm^2) / (V * s)
    mup              = 400.0                * (cm^2) / (V * s)
    εr               = 12.9                 *  1.0              # relative dielectric permittivity of GAs
    T                = 300.0                *  K

    # recombination parameters
    Auger            = 1.0e-29              * cm^6 / s
    SRH_TrapDensity  = 1.0e10               / cm^3
    SRH_LifeTime     = 1.0                  * ns
    Radiative        = 1.0e-10              * cm^3 / s

    # doping
    dopingFactorNd   = 1.0
    dopingFactorNa   = 0.46
    Nd               = dopingFactorNd * Nc
    Na               = dopingFactorNa * Nv

    # intrinsic concentration
    ni               = sqrt(Nc * Nv) * exp(-(Ec - Ev) / (2 * kB * T))

    # contact voltage: we impose an applied voltage only on one boundary.
    # At the other boundary the applied voltage is zero.
    voltageAcceptor  = 1.5                  * V

    if test == false
        println("*** done\n")
    if test == false
        println("Define System and fill in information about model")

We initialize the Data instance and fill in predefined data.

    data                               = Data(grid, numberOfCarriers)

    # Following variable declares, if we want to solve stationary or transient problem
    data.modelType                     = Stationary

    # Following choices are possible for F: Boltzmann, FermiDiracOneHalfBednarczyk,
    # FermiDiracOneHalfTeSCA, FermiDiracMinusOne, Blakemore
    data.F                            .= Boltzmann

    # Here, we need to specify which numbers are associated with electron and hole quasi
    # Fermi potential. Further, the desired recombination processes can be chosen here.
    # Note that, if you choose a SRH recombination you can further specify a transient SRH
    # recombination by the method enable_trap_carrier! and adjusting the modelType. Otherwise, by
    # default we use the stationary model for this type of recombination.
    data.bulkRecombination             = set_bulk_recombination(;iphin = iphin, iphip = iphip,
                                                                 bulk_recomb_Auger = true,
                                                                 bulk_recomb_radiative = true,
                                                                 bulk_recomb_SRH = true)

    # Following choices are possible for boundary model: For contacts currently only
    # OhmicContact and SchottkyContact are possible. For inner boundaries we have
    # InterfaceNone, InterfaceRecombination.
    data.boundaryType[bregionAcceptor] = OhmicContact
    data.boundaryType[bregionDonor]    = OhmicContact

    # Following choices are possible for the flux discretization scheme: ScharfetterGummel,
    # ScharfetterGummelGraded, ExcessChemicalPotential, ExcessChemicalPotentialGraded,
    # DiffusionEnhanced, GeneralizedSG
    data.fluxApproximation            .= ExcessChemicalPotential

    if test == false
        println("*** done\n")

    if test == false
        println("Define Params and fill in physical parameters")

Define the Params struct. Params contains all necessary physical parameters. If one wants to simulate space-dependent variables, one additionally needs to generate a ParamsNodal struct, see Ex102.

    params                                              = Params(grid, numberOfCarriers)

    params.temperature                                  = T
    params.UT                                           = (kB * params.temperature) / q
    params.chargeNumbers[iphin]                         = -1
    params.chargeNumbers[iphip]                         =  1

    for ireg in 1:numberOfRegions # region data

        params.dielectricConstant[ireg]                 = εr * ε0

        # effective DOS, band-edge energy and mobilities
        params.densityOfStates[iphin, ireg]             = Nc
        params.densityOfStates[iphip, ireg]             = Nv
        params.bandEdgeEnergy[iphin, ireg]              = Ec
        params.bandEdgeEnergy[iphip, ireg]              = Ev
        params.mobility[iphin, ireg]                    = mun
        params.mobility[iphip, ireg]                    = mup

        # recombination parameters
        params.recombinationRadiative[ireg]             = Radiative
        params.recombinationSRHLifetime[iphin, ireg]    = SRH_LifeTime
        params.recombinationSRHLifetime[iphip, ireg]    = SRH_LifeTime
        params.recombinationSRHTrapDensity[iphin, ireg] = SRH_TrapDensity
        params.recombinationSRHTrapDensity[iphip, ireg] = SRH_TrapDensity
        params.recombinationAuger[iphin, ireg]          = Auger
        params.recombinationAuger[iphip, ireg]          = Auger


    # doping
    params.doping[iphin, regionDonor]                   = Nd     # data.doping   = [0.0  Na;
    params.doping[iphin, regionIntrinsic]               = ni     #                  ni  0.0;
    params.doping[iphip, regionAcceptor]                = Na     #                  Nd  0.0]

Region dependent params is now a substruct of data which is again a substruct of the system and will be parsed in next step.

    data.params                                         = params

In the last step, we initialize our system with previous data which is likewise dependent on the parameters. It is important that this is in the end, otherwise our VoronoiFVMSys is not dependent on the data we initialized but rather on default data.

    ctsys                                               = System(grid, data, unknown_storage=unknown_storage)

    if test == false
        # Here we can show region dependent physical parameters. show_params() only supports
        # region dependent parameters, but, if one wishes to print nodal dependent parameters,
        # currently this is possible with println( We neglected here,
        # since in most applications where the numberOfNodes is >> 10 this would results in a
        # large output in the terminal.
        println("*** done\n")

    if plotting == true
        println("Plot electroneutral potential, band-edge energies and doping")
        # set legend for plotting routines. Either you can use the predefined labels or write your own.
        label_solution, label_density, label_energy, label_BEE = set_plotting_labels(data)

        psi0 = electroNeutralSolution(ctsys)
        plot_energies(Plotter, ctsys, label_BEE)
        plot_doping(Plotter, ctsys, label_density)
        plot_electroNeutralSolutionBoltzmann(Plotter, grid, psi0, ;plotGridpoints=true)
        println("*** done\n")
    if test == false
        println("Define control parameters for Solver")

    control              = SolverControl()
    control.verbose      = verbose
    control.maxiters     = 50
    control.abstol       = 1.0e-14
    control.reltol       = 1.0e-14
    control.tol_round    = 1.0e-8
    control.damp_initial = 0.5
    control.max_round    = 3

    if test == false
        println("*** done\n")

    if test == false
        println("Compute solution in thermodynamic equilibrium")

    # calculate equilibrium solution and as initial guess
    solution  = equilibrium_solve!(ctsys, control = control)
    inival    = solution

    if test == false
        println("*** done\n")
    if test == false
        println("Bias loop")

    maxBias    = voltageAcceptor # bias goes until the given voltage at acceptor boundary
    biasValues = range(0, stop = maxBias, length = 32)
    IV         = zeros(0)

    for Δu in biasValues

        if test == false
            println("bias value: Δu = ", Δu, " V")

        # set non equilibrium boundary conditions
        set_contact!(ctsys, bregionAcceptor, Δu = Δu)

        solution  = solve(ctsys; inival = inival, control = control)
        inival   .= solution

        # Note that the old way of solving will be soon removed (see current API changes in VoronoiFVM)

solve!(solution, inival, ctsys, control = control, tstep = Inf) inival .= solution

        # get I-V data
        current = get_current_val(ctsys, solution)

        push!(IV,  abs.(w_device * z_device * ( current)) )

    end # bias loop

    if test == false
        println("*** done\n")

    # plot solution and IV curve
    if plotting
        plot_energies(Plotter, ctsys, solution,  "Applied voltage Δu = $(biasValues[end])", label_energy,   plotGridpoints = false)
        plot_solution(Plotter, ctsys, solution,  "Applied voltage Δu = $(biasValues[end])", label_solution, plotGridpoints = true)
        plot_densities(Plotter, ctsys, solution, "Applied voltage Δu = $(biasValues[end])", label_density,  plotGridpoints = true)
        plot_IV(Plotter, biasValues,IV,  "Applied voltage Δu = $(biasValues[end])", plotGridpoints = true)

    testval = solution[15]
    return testval

    if test == false
        println("*** done\n")

end #  main

function test()
    testval = 1.5068426833371802
    main(test = true, unknown_storage=:dense) ≈ testval && main(test = true, unknown_storage=:sparse) ≈ testval

if test == false
    println("This message should show when the PIN module has successfully recompiled.")

end # module

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