GaAs diode with spatially varying doping (1D).
Simulating charge transport in a GaAs pin diode. This means the PDE problem corresponds to the van Roosbroeck system of equations. The simulations are performed out of equilibrium and for the stationary problem. A special feature here is that the doping is node-dependent.
module Ex102_PIN_nodal_doping
using ChargeTransport
using ExtendableGrids
using PyPlot
you can also use other Plotters, if you add them to the example file
function main(;Plotter = PyPlot, plotting = false, verbose = false, test = false, unknown_storage=:sparse)
if plotting
if test == false
println("Set up grid and regions")
# region numbers
regionAcceptor = 1 # p doped region
regionIntrinsic = 2 # intrinsic region
regionDonor = 3 # n doped region
regions = [regionAcceptor, regionIntrinsic, regionDonor]
numberOfRegions = length(regions)
# boundary region numbers
# Note that by convention we have 1 for the left boundary and 2 for the right boundary. If
# adding additional interior boundaries, continue with 3, 4, ...
bregionAcceptor = 1
bregionDonor = 2
bregionJunction1 = 3
bregionJunction2 = 4
h_pdoping = 0.1 * μm
h_intrinsic = 0.1 * μm
h_ndoping = 0.1 * μm
h_total = h_pdoping + h_intrinsic + h_ndoping
w_device = 0.1 * μm # width of device
z_device = 1.0e-5 * cm # depth of device
coord = range(0.0, stop = h_ndoping + h_intrinsic + h_pdoping, length = 25)
coord = collect(coord)
grid = simplexgrid(coord)
numberOfNodes = length(coord)
# set different regions in grid
cellmask!(grid, [0.0 * μm], [h_pdoping], regionAcceptor, tol = 1.0e-15) # p-doped region = 1
cellmask!(grid, [h_pdoping], [h_pdoping + h_intrinsic], regionIntrinsic, tol = 1.0e-15) # intrinsic region = 2
cellmask!(grid, [h_pdoping + h_intrinsic], [h_pdoping + h_intrinsic + h_ndoping], regionDonor, tol = 1.0e-15) # n-doped region = 3
# bfacemask! for setting different boundary regions
bfacemask!(grid, [0.0], [0.0], bregionAcceptor) # outer left boundary
bfacemask!(grid, [h_total], [h_total], bregionDonor) # outer right boundary
bfacemask!(grid, [h_pdoping], [h_pdoping], bregionJunction1) # first inner interface
bfacemask!(grid, [h_pdoping + h_intrinsic], [h_pdoping + h_intrinsic], bregionJunction2) # second inner interface
if plotting
gridplot(grid, Plotter = Plotter, legend=:lt)
if test == false
println("*** done\n")
if test == false
println("Define physical parameters and model")
# set indices of the quasi Fermi potentials
iphin = 1 # electron quasi Fermi potential
iphip = 2 # hole quasi Fermi potential
numberOfCarriers = 2
# Define the physical data.
Ec = 1.424 * eV
Ev = 0.0 * eV
Nc = 4.351959895879690e17 / (cm^3)
Nv = 9.139615903601645e18 / (cm^3)
mun = 8500.0 * (cm^2) / (V * s)
mup = 400.0 * (cm^2) / (V * s)
εr = 12.9 * 1.0 # relative dielectric permittivity of GAs
T = 300.0 * K
# recombination parameters
SRH_TrapDensity_n = 4.760185435081902e5 / cm^3
SRH_TrapDensity_p = 9.996936448738406e6 / cm^3
SRH_LifeTime = 1.0 * ps
# contact voltage
voltageAcceptor = 1.4 * V
if test == false
println("*** done\n")
if test == false
println("Define System and fill in information about model")
We initialize the Data instance and fill in predefined data.
data = Data(grid, numberOfCarriers)
# Possible choices: Stationary, Transient
data.modelType = Stationary
# Possible choices for F: Boltzmann, FermiDiracOneHalfBednarczyk,
# FermiDiracOneHalfTeSCA, FermiDiracMinusOne, Blakemore
data.F .= Boltzmann
data.bulkRecombination = set_bulk_recombination(;iphin = iphin, iphip = iphip,
bulk_recomb_Auger = false,
bulk_recomb_radiative = false,
bulk_recomb_SRH = true)
# Possible choices: OhmicContact, SchottkyContact (outer boundary) and InterfaceNone,
# InterfaceRecombination (inner boundary).
data.boundaryType[bregionAcceptor] = OhmicContact
data.boundaryType[bregionDonor] = OhmicContact
# Choose flux discretization scheme: ScharfetterGummel, ScharfetterGummelGraded,
# ExcessChemicalPotential, ExcessChemicalPotentialGraded, DiffusionEnhanced, GeneralizedSG
data.fluxApproximation .= ScharfetterGummel
if test == false
println("*** done\n")
if test == false
println("Define Params and fill in physical parameters")
Define the Params and ParamsNodal struct.
params = Params(grid, numberOfCarriers)
paramsnodal = ParamsNodal(grid, numberOfCarriers)
params.temperature = T
params.UT = (kB * params.temperature) / q
params.chargeNumbers[iphin] = -1
params.chargeNumbers[iphip] = 1
for ireg in 1:numberOfRegions # region data
params.dielectricConstant[ireg] = εr * ε0
# effective DOS, band-edge energy and mobilities
params.densityOfStates[iphin, ireg] = Nc
params.densityOfStates[iphip, ireg] = Nv
params.bandEdgeEnergy[iphin, ireg] = Ec
params.bandEdgeEnergy[iphip, ireg] = Ev
params.mobility[iphin, ireg] = mun
params.mobility[iphip, ireg] = mup
# recombination parameters
params.recombinationSRHLifetime[iphin, ireg] = SRH_LifeTime
params.recombinationSRHLifetime[iphip, ireg] = SRH_LifeTime
params.recombinationSRHTrapDensity[iphin, ireg] = SRH_TrapDensity_n
params.recombinationSRHTrapDensity[iphip, ireg] = SRH_TrapDensity_p
# initialize the space dependent doping (see FarrellPeschka2019, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2019).
NDoping = 1.0e17 / cm^3
κ = 500.0
for icoord = 1:numberOfNodes
paramsnodal.doping[icoord] = NDoping * 0.5 * ( 1.0 + tanh( (0.1 - coord[icoord]/μm) *κ ) - ( 1.0 + tanh( (coord[icoord]/μm - 0.2) * κ )) )
data.params = params
data.paramsnodal = paramsnodal
ctsys = System(grid, data, unknown_storage=unknown_storage)
if test == false
println("*** done\n")
if test == false
if plotting == true
println("Plot doping")
plot_doping(Plotter, grid, paramsnodal)
println("*** done\n")
if test == false
println("Define control parameters for Solver")
control = SolverControl()
control.verbose = verbose
control.abstol = 1.0e-14
control.reltol = 1.0e-14
control.max_round = 5
if test == false
println("*** done\n")
if test == false
println("Compute solution in thermodynamic equilibrium for Boltzmann")
# calculate equilibrium solution and as initial guess
solution = equilibrium_solve!(ctsys, control = control)
inival = solution
if plotting
# set legend for plotting routines. Either you can use the predefined labels or write your own.
label_solution, label_density, label_energy = set_plotting_labels(data)
plot_energies(Plotter, ctsys, solution, "Equilibrium", label_energy)
plot_densities(Plotter, ctsys, solution, "Equilibrium", label_density)
plot_solution(Plotter, ctsys, solution, "Equilibrium", label_solution)
if test == false
println("*** done\n")
if test == false
println("Bias loop")
maxBias = voltageAcceptor # bias goes until the given voltage at acceptor boundary
biasValues = range(0, stop = maxBias, length = 41)
IV = zeros(0)
for Δu in biasValues
if test == false
println("bias value: Δu = ", Δu, " V")
# set non equilibrium boundary conditions
set_contact!(ctsys, bregionAcceptor, Δu = Δu)
solution = solve(ctsys; inival = inival, control = control)
inival .= solution
# Note that the old way of solving will be soon removed (see current API changes in VoronoiFVM)
solve!(solution, inival, ctsys, control = control, tstep = Inf) inival .= solution
# get IV curve
factory = TestFunctionFactory(ctsys)
# testfunction zero in bregionAcceptor and one in bregionDonor
tf = testfunction(factory, [bregionAcceptor], [bregionDonor])
I = integrate(ctsys, tf, solution)
push!(IV, abs.(w_device * z_device * (I[iphin] + I[iphip])))
end # bias loop
if plotting # plot solution and IV curve
plot_energies(Plotter, ctsys, solution, "Applied voltage Δu = $(biasValues[end])", label_energy)
plot_solution(Plotter, ctsys, solution, "Applied voltage Δu = $(biasValues[end])", label_solution, plotGridpoints = true)
plot_densities(Plotter, ctsys, solution, "Applied voltage Δu = $(biasValues[end])", label_density, plotGridpoints = true)
plot_IV(Plotter, biasValues,IV, "Applied voltage Δu = $(biasValues[end])", plotGridpoints = true)
testval = solution[15]
return testval
end # main
function test()
testval = 1.4676876548796856
main(test = true, unknown_storage=:dense) ≈ testval && main(test = true, unknown_storage=:sparse) ≈ testval
if test == false
println("This message should show when the PIN module is successfully recompiled.")
end # module
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