CIGS: stationary with traps and Schottky contacts.
Simulating stationary charge transport for CIGS with hole traps and mixed Schottky/Ohmic contact conditions. Assume that SRH recombination only happens within a small regime.
module Ex108_CIGS_WithTraps
using ChargeTransport
using ExtendableGrids
using PyPlot
# function to initialize the grid for a possble extension to other p-i-n devices.
function initialize_pin_grid(refinementfactor, h_ndoping, h_pdoping_left, h_pdoping_trap, h_pdoing_right)
coord_ndoping = collect(range(0.0, stop = h_ndoping, length = 2 * refinementfactor))
coord_pdoping_left = collect(range(h_ndoping, stop = (h_ndoping + h_pdoping_left), length = 3 * refinementfactor))
coord_pdoping_plus = collect(range((h_ndoping + h_pdoping_left),
stop = (h_ndoping + h_pdoping_left + h_pdoping_trap),
length = refinementfactor))
coord_pdoping_right = collect(range((h_ndoping + h_pdoping_left + h_pdoping_trap),
stop = (h_ndoping + h_pdoping_left + h_pdoping_trap + h_pdoing_right),
length = 3 * refinementfactor))
coord = glue(coord_ndoping, coord_pdoping_left)
coord = glue(coord, coord_pdoping_plus)
coord = glue(coord, coord_pdoping_right)
return coord
you can also use other Plotters, if you add them to the example file
function main(;n = 3, Plotter = PyPlot, plotting = false, verbose = false, test = false, AdditionalTrapSpecies = false)
if plotting
if test == false
println("Set up grid and regions")
# region numbers
regionDonor = 1 # n doped region
regionAcceptorLeft = 2 # p doped region
regionAcceptorTrap = 3 # p doped region with trap
regionAcceptorRight = 4 # p doped region
regions = [regionDonor, regionAcceptorLeft, regionAcceptorTrap, regionAcceptorRight]
numberOfRegions = length(regions)
# boundary region numbers
bregionDonor = 1
bregionAcceptor = 2
bregionDALeft = 3
bregionALeftATrap = 4
bregionATrapARight = 5
# grid
refinementfactor = 2^(n-1)
h_ndoping = 0.5 * μm
h_pdoping_left = 1.0 * μm
h_pdoping_trap = 0.1 * μm
h_pdoing_right = 1.0 * μm
w_device = 0.5 * μm # width of device
z_device = 1.0e-4 * cm # depth of device
h_total = h_ndoping + h_pdoping_left + h_pdoping_trap + h_pdoing_right
coord = initialize_pin_grid(refinementfactor,
grid = simplexgrid(coord)
# set different regions in grid
cellmask!(grid, [0.0 * μm], [h_ndoping], regionDonor) # n doped
cellmask!(grid, [h_ndoping], [h_ndoping + h_pdoping_left], regionAcceptorLeft) # p doped
cellmask!(grid, [h_ndoping + h_pdoping_left], [h_ndoping + h_pdoping_left + h_pdoping_trap], regionAcceptorTrap) # p doped with traps
cellmask!(grid, [h_ndoping + h_pdoping_left + h_pdoping_trap], [h_total], regionAcceptorRight) # p doped
bfacemask!(grid, [h_ndoping], [h_ndoping], bregionDALeft, tol = 1.0e-18)
bfacemask!(grid, [h_ndoping + h_pdoping_left], [h_ndoping + h_pdoping_left], bregionALeftATrap, tol = 1.0e-18)
bfacemask!(grid, [h_ndoping + h_pdoping_left + h_pdoping_trap], [h_ndoping + h_pdoping_left + h_pdoping_trap], bregionATrapARight, tol = 1.0e-18)
if plotting
gridplot(grid, Plotter = Plotter, legend=:lt)
if test == false
println("*** done\n")
if test == false
println("Define physical parameters and model")
iphin = 1 # index electron quasi Fermi potential
iphip = 2 # index hole quasi Fermi potential
if AdditionalTrapSpecies
iphit = 3 # index trap quasi Fermi potential
numberOfCarriers = 3 # electrons, holes and traps
numberOfCarriers = 2 # electrons and holes
# physical data
T = 300.0 * K
# band edge energies
Ec_ZnO = 3.4 * eV
Ev_ZnO = 0.0 * eV
Ec_CIGS = 3.4 * eV
Ev_CIGS = 2.3 * eV
EC = [Ec_ZnO, Ec_CIGS, Ec_CIGS, Ec_CIGS]
EV = [Ev_ZnO, Ev_CIGS, Ev_CIGS, Ev_CIGS]
# effective densities of states
Nc = 4.351959895879690e17 / (cm^3)
Nv = 9.139615903601645e18 / (cm^3)
NC = [Nc, Nc, Nc, Nc]
NV = [Nv, Nv, Nv, Nv]
# mobilities
mun_ZnO = 100 * (cm^2) / (V * s)
mup_ZnO = 25 * (cm^2) / (V * s)
mun_CIGS = 100.0 * (cm^2) / (V * s)
mup_CIGS = 25 * (cm^2) / (V * s)
μn = [mun_ZnO, mun_CIGS, mun_CIGS, mun_CIGS]
μp = [mup_ZnO, mup_CIGS, mup_CIGS, mup_CIGS]
# relative dielectric permittivity
εr_ZnO = 9 * 1.0
εr_CIGS = 13.6 * 1.0
ε = [εr_ZnO, εr_CIGS, εr_CIGS, εr_CIGS]
# trap information
zt = 1 # hole traps
Et = 2.8 * eV
ET = [0.0, 0.0, Et, 0.0]
Nt = 1.0e18 / (cm^3)
NT = [0, 0, Nt, 0]
mu_t = 0 * (cm^2) / (V * s)
μt = [0.0, 0.0, mu_t, 0.0]
# recombination information parameters
ni_ZnO = sqrt(Nc * Nv) * exp(-(Ec_ZnO - Ev_ZnO) / (2 * kB * T)) # intrinsic concentration
n0_ZnO = Nc * Boltzmann( (Et-Ec_ZnO) / (kB*T) ) # Boltzmann equilibrium concentration
p0_ZnO = ni_ZnO^2 / n0_ZnO # Boltzmann equilibrium concentration
ni_CIGS = sqrt(Nc * Nv) * exp(-(Ec_CIGS - Ev_CIGS) / (2 * kB * T)) # intrinsic concentration
n0_CIGS = Nc * Boltzmann( (Et-Ec_CIGS) / (kB*T) ) # Boltzmann equilibrium concentration
p0_CIGS = ni_CIGS^2 / n0_CIGS # Boltzmann equilibrium concentration
p0 = [p0_ZnO, p0_CIGS, p0_CIGS, p0_CIGS]
n0 = [n0_ZnO, n0_CIGS, n0_CIGS, n0_CIGS]
set the lifetime value high in all other regions, such that SRH recombination can be neglected there
SRH_LifeTime = [1.0e100, 1.0e100, 1.0e-3*ns, 1.0e100]
Auger = 1.0e-29 * cm^6 / s
Radiative = 1.0e-10 * cm^3 / s
# Schottky contact information
An = 4 * pi * q * mₑ * kB^2 / Planck_constant^3
Ap = 4 * pi * q * mₑ * kB^2 / Planck_constant^3
vn = An * T^2 / (q*Nc)
vp = Ap * T^2 / (q*Nv)
barrier = 0.7 * eV
# doping information
Nd = 1.0e18 / (cm^3)
Na = 5.5e15 / (cm^3)
# we will impose this applied voltage on one boundary
voltageAcceptor = 1.0 * V
if test == false
println("*** done\n")
if test == false
println("Define System and fill in information about model")
# initialize Data instance and fill in data
data = Data(grid, numberOfCarriers)
data.modelType = Stationary # R = Rn = Rp, since the model type is stationary
if AdditionalTrapSpecies
data.F = [FermiDiracOneHalfTeSCA, FermiDiracOneHalfTeSCA, FermiDiracMinusOne]
data.F .= FermiDiracOneHalfTeSCA
data.bulkRecombination = set_bulk_recombination(;iphin = iphin, iphip = iphip,
bulk_recomb_Auger = true,
bulk_recomb_radiative = true,
bulk_recomb_SRH = true)
data.boundaryType[bregionAcceptor] = SchottkyContact
data.boundaryType[bregionDonor] = OhmicContact
data.fluxApproximation .= ExcessChemicalPotential
if AdditionalTrapSpecies
# Here, we enable the traps and parse the respective index and the regions where the trap is defined.
enable_trap_carrier!(;data = data, trapCarrier = iphit, regions = [regionAcceptorTrap])
# pass trap data in stationary setting since there is no separate trap species
add_trap_density_Poisson!(data = data, zt = zt, Nt = NT)
if test == false
println("*** done\n")
if test == false
println("Define Params and fill in physical parameters")
# physical parameters
params = Params(grid, numberOfCarriers)
params.temperature = T
params.UT = (kB * params.temperature) / q
params.chargeNumbers[iphin] = -1
params.chargeNumbers[iphip] = 1
if AdditionalTrapSpecies
params.chargeNumbers[iphit] = zt
for ireg in 1:numberOfRegions # interior region data
params.dielectricConstant[ireg] = ε[ireg] * ε0
# effective DOS, band-edge energy and mobilities
params.densityOfStates[iphin, ireg] = NC[ireg]
params.densityOfStates[iphip, ireg] = NV[ireg]
params.bandEdgeEnergy[iphin, ireg] = EC[ireg]
params.bandEdgeEnergy[iphip, ireg] = EV[ireg]
params.mobility[iphin, ireg] = μn[ireg]
params.mobility[iphip, ireg] = μp[ireg]
if AdditionalTrapSpecies
params.densityOfStates[iphit, ireg] = NT[ireg]
params.bandEdgeEnergy[iphit, ireg] = ET[ireg]
params.mobility[iphit, ireg] = μt[ireg]
# recombination parameters
params.recombinationRadiative[ireg] = Radiative
params.recombinationSRHLifetime[iphin, ireg] = SRH_LifeTime[ireg]
params.recombinationSRHLifetime[iphip, ireg] = SRH_LifeTime[ireg]
params.recombinationSRHTrapDensity[iphin, ireg] = n0[ireg]
params.recombinationSRHTrapDensity[iphip, ireg] = p0[ireg]
params.recombinationAuger[iphin, ireg] = Auger
params.recombinationAuger[iphip, ireg] = Auger
# doping -- since we do not set any doping for the traps it is automatically zero
params.doping[iphin, regionDonor] = Nd
params.doping[iphip, regionAcceptorLeft] = Na
params.doping[iphip, regionAcceptorTrap] = Na
params.doping[iphip, regionAcceptorRight] = Na
# values for the schottky contacts
params.SchottkyBarrier[bregionAcceptor] = barrier
params.bVelocity[iphin, bregionAcceptor] = vn
params.bVelocity[iphip, bregionAcceptor] = vp
data.params = params
ctsys = System(grid, data, unknown_storage=:sparse)
if test == false
println("*** done\n")
if test == false
println("Define control parameters for Solver")
control = SolverControl()
control.verbose = verbose
control.tol_round = 1.0e-7
control.damp_initial = 0.5
control.damp_growth = 1.2
control.maxiters = 30
control.max_round = 3
if test == false
println("*** done\n")
if test == false
println("Compute solution in thermodynamic equilibrium")
# solve thermodynamic equilibrium and update initial guess
solution = equilibrium_solve!(ctsys, control = control)
inival = solution
if plotting
label_solution, label_density, label_energy = set_plotting_labels(data)
if AdditionalTrapSpecies
# add labels for traps
label_energy[1, iphit] = "\$E_{\\tau}-q\\psi\$"; label_energy[2, iphit] = "\$ - q \\varphi_{\\tau}\$"
label_density[iphit] = "\$n_{\\tau}\$"; label_solution[iphit] = "\$ \\varphi_{\\tau}\$"
# ##### set legend for plotting routines #####
plot_energies(Plotter, ctsys, solution, "Equilibrium", label_energy)
plot_densities(Plotter, ctsys, solution,"Equilibrium", label_density)
plot_solution(Plotter, ctsys, solution, "Equilibrium", label_solution)
if test == false
println("*** done\n")
if test == false
println("Stationary bias loop")
endVoltage = voltageAcceptor # final bias value
biasValues = collect(range(0, stop = endVoltage, length = 52))
IV = zeros(0)
chargeDensities = zeros(0)
for i in eachindex(biasValues)
Δu = biasValues[i] # bias
# Apply new voltage: set non equilibrium boundary conditions
set_contact!(ctsys, bregionAcceptor, Δu = Δu)
if test == false
println("bias: Δu = $(Δu) V")
# solve time step problems with timestep Δt
solution = solve(ctsys, inival = inival, control = control)
inival = solution
# save IV data
current = get_current_val(ctsys, solution)
push!(IV, w_device * z_device * current)
# store charge density in donor region (ZnO)
push!(chargeDensities, charge_density(ctsys, solution)[regionDonor])
end # bias loop
# compute static capacitance: check this is correctly computed
staticCapacitance = diff(chargeDensities) ./ diff(biasValues)
# plot solution and IV curve
if plotting
plot_energies(Plotter, ctsys, solution, "bias \$\\Delta u\$ = $(endVoltage) V", label_energy)
plot_densities(Plotter, ctsys, solution,"bias \$\\Delta u\$ = $(endVoltage) V", label_density)
plot_solution(Plotter, ctsys, solution, "bias \$\\Delta u\$ = $(endVoltage) V", label_solution)
plot_IV(Plotter, biasValues,IV, "bias \$\\Delta u\$ = $(biasValues[end]) V", plotGridpoints = true)
plot_IV(Plotter, biasValues,chargeDensities, "bias \$\\Delta u\$ = $(biasValues[end]) V", plotGridpoints = true)
Plotter.title("Charge density in donor region")
Plotter.ylabel("Charge density [C]")
plot_IV(Plotter, biasValues, staticCapacitance, "bias \$\\Delta u\$ = $(biasValues[end]) V", plotGridpoints = true)
Plotter.title("Static capacitance in donor region")
Plotter.ylabel("Static capacitance [C/V]")
if test == false
println("*** done\n")
testval = sum(filter(!isnan, solution))/length(solution) # when using sparse storage, we get NaN values in solution
return testval
end # main
function test()
testval = 1.484831264268335
testvalAdditionalSpecies = 1.1334257649339574
main(test = true, AdditionalTrapSpecies = false) ≈ testval && main(test = true, AdditionalTrapSpecies = true) ≈ testvalAdditionalSpecies
if test == false
println("This message should show when this module has successfully recompiled.")
end # module
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