PSC device on 2D domain (unstructured grid).
Simulating a three layer PSC device PCBM | MAPI | Pedot with mobile ions. The simulations are performed in 2D on an unstructured grid, out of equilibrium and with abrupt interfaces.
ENV["LC_NUMERIC"]="C" # put this in to work with Triangulate.jl, which is originally written in c++
module PSC_2D_unstructuredGrid
using ChargeTransport
using ExtendableGrids
using GridVisualize
# For using this example one additionally needs to add Triangulate.
# SimplexGridFactory is a wrapper for using this meshgenerator.
using SimplexGridFactory
using Triangulate
# problem with linux, when including PyPlot not until the end: "ERROR: LoadError: InitError: could not load library "/home/abdel/.julia/artifacts/8cc532f6a1ace8d1b756fc413f4ab340195ec3c3/lib/"/home/abdel/.julia/artifacts/8cc532f6a1ace8d1b756fc413f4ab340195ec3c3/lib/ undefined symbol: g_uri_ref"
# It seems that this problem is common:
using PyPlot
function main(Plotter = PyPlot, ;plotting = false, verbose = false, test = false,
parameter_file = "../parameter_files/Params_PSC_PCBM_MAPI_Pedot.jl", # choose the parameter file)
if test == false
println("Define physical parameters and model")
include(parameter_file) # include the parameter file we specified
bregionNoFlux = 5
height = 5.00e-6 * cm
# contact voltage
voltageAcceptor = 1.2 * V
# primary data for I-V scan protocol
scanrate = 0.4 * V/s
number_tsteps = 31
endVoltage = voltageAcceptor # bias goes until the given voltage at acceptor boundary
# with fixed timestep sizes we can calculate the times a priori
tend = endVoltage/scanrate
tvalues = range(0, stop = tend, length = number_tsteps)
if test == false
println("*** done\n")
if test == false
println("Set up grid and regions")
b = SimplexGridBuilder(Generator=Triangulate)
# specify boundary nodes
length_0 = point!(b, 0.0, 0.0)
length_n = point!(b, h_ndoping, 0.0)
length_ni = point!(b, h_ndoping + h_intrinsic, 0.0)
length_nip = point!(b, h_total, 0.0)
height_0 = point!(b, 0.0, height)
height_n = point!(b, h_ndoping, height)
height_ni = point!(b, h_ndoping + h_intrinsic, height)
height_nip = point!(b, h_total, height)
# specify boundary regions
# metal interface
facetregion!(b, bregionDonor)
facet!(b, length_0, height_0)
facetregion!(b, bregionAcceptor)
facet!(b, length_nip, height_nip)
# no flux
facetregion!(b, bregionNoFlux)
facet!(b, length_0, length_nip)
facetregion!(b, bregionNoFlux)
facet!(b, height_0, height_nip)
# inner interface
facetregion!(b, bregionJ1)
facet!(b, length_n, height_n)
facetregion!(b, bregionJ2)
facet!(b, length_ni, height_ni)
# cell regions
cellregion!(b, regionDonor)
regionpoint!(b, h_ndoping/2, height/2)
cellregion!(b, regionIntrinsic)
regionpoint!(b, h_ndoping + h_intrinsic/2, height/2)
regionpoint!(b, h_ndoping + h_intrinsic + h_pdoping/2, height/2)
grid = simplexgrid(b)
if plotting
GridVisualize.gridplot(grid, Plotter= Plotter, resolution=(600,400),linewidth=0.5, legend=:lt)
if test == false
println("*** done\n")
if test == false
println("Define System and fill in information about model")
# Initialize Data instance and fill in data
data = Data(grid, numberOfCarriers)
# Possible choices: Stationary, Transient
data.modelType = Transient
# Possible choices: Boltzmann, FermiDiracOneHalfBednarczyk, FermiDiracOneHalfTeSCA, FermiDiracMinusOne, Blakemore
data.F = [FermiDiracOneHalfTeSCA, FermiDiracOneHalfTeSCA, FermiDiracMinusOne]
data.bulkRecombination = set_bulk_recombination(;iphin = iphin, iphip = iphip,
bulk_recomb_Auger = false,
bulk_recomb_radiative = true,
bulk_recomb_SRH = true)
# Possible choices: OhmicContact, SchottkyContact (outer boundary) and InterfaceNone,
# InterfaceRecombination (inner boundary).
data.boundaryType[bregionAcceptor] = OhmicContact
data.boundaryType[bregionDonor] = OhmicContact
# Present ionic vacancies in perovskite layer
enable_ionic_carrier!(data, ionicCarrier = iphia, regions = [regionIntrinsic])
# Choose flux discretization scheme: ScharfetterGummel, ScharfetterGummelGraded,
# ExcessChemicalPotential, ExcessChemicalPotentialGraded, DiffusionEnhanced, GeneralizedSG
data.fluxApproximation .= ExcessChemicalPotential
if test == false
println("*** done\n")
if test == false
println("Define Params and fill in physical parameters")
params = Params(grid, numberOfCarriers)
params.temperature = T
params.UT = (kB * params.temperature) / q
params.chargeNumbers[iphin] = zn
params.chargeNumbers[iphip] = zp
params.chargeNumbers[iphia] = za
for ireg in 1:numberOfRegions # interior region data
params.dielectricConstant[ireg] = ε[ireg] * ε0
# effective DOS, band edge energy and mobilities
params.densityOfStates[iphin, ireg] = Nn[ireg]
params.densityOfStates[iphip, ireg] = Np[ireg]
params.densityOfStates[iphia, ireg] = Na[ireg]
params.bandEdgeEnergy[iphin, ireg] = En[ireg]
params.bandEdgeEnergy[iphip, ireg] = Ep[ireg]
params.bandEdgeEnergy[iphia, ireg] = Ea[ireg]
params.mobility[iphin, ireg] = μn[ireg]
params.mobility[iphip, ireg] = μp[ireg]
params.mobility[iphia, ireg] = μa[ireg]
# recombination parameters
params.recombinationRadiative[ireg] = r0[ireg]
params.recombinationSRHLifetime[iphin, ireg] = τn[ireg]
params.recombinationSRHLifetime[iphip, ireg] = τp[ireg]
params.recombinationSRHTrapDensity[iphin, ireg] = trap_density!(iphin, ireg, params, EI[ireg])
params.recombinationSRHTrapDensity[iphip, ireg] = trap_density!(iphip, ireg, params, EI[ireg])
# interior doping
params.doping[iphin, regionDonor] = Cn
params.doping[iphia, regionIntrinsic] = Ca
params.doping[iphip, regionAcceptor] = Cp
data.params = params
ctsys = System(grid, data, unknown_storage=:sparse)
# print data
if test == false
println("*** done\n")
if test == false
println("Define control parameters for Solver")
control = SolverControl()
control.verbose = verbose
control.maxiters = 300
control.max_round = 5
if test == false
println("*** done\n")
if test == false
println("Compute solution in thermodynamic equilibrium for Boltzmann")
solution = equilibrium_solve!(ctsys, control = control)
inival = solution
if plotting # currently, plotting the solution was only tested with PyPlot.
ipsi = data.index_psi
X = grid[Coordinates][1,:]
Y = grid[Coordinates][2,:]
Plotter.figure()[:], Y[:], solution[ipsi, :])
Plotter.title("Electrostatic potential \$ \\psi \$ in Equilibrium")
Plotter.xlabel("length [m]")
Plotter.ylabel("height [m]")
Plotter.zlabel("potential [V]")
Plotter.figure()[:], Y[:], solution[iphin,:] )
Plotter.title("quasi Fermi potential \$ \\varphi_n \$ in Equilibrium")
Plotter.xlabel("length [m]")
Plotter.ylabel("height [m]")
Plotter.zlabel("potential [V]")
if test == false
println("*** done\n")
if test == false
println("I-V Measurement Loop")
# for saving I-V data
IV = zeros(0) # for IV values
biasValues = zeros(0) # for bias values
for istep = 2:number_tsteps
t = tvalues[istep] # Actual time
Δu = t * scanrate # Applied voltage
Δt = t - tvalues[istep-1] # Time step size
# Apply new voltage; set non equilibrium boundary conditions
set_contact!(ctsys, bregionAcceptor, Δu = Δu)
if test == false
println("time value: t = $(t) s")
solution = solve(ctsys, inival = inival, control = control, tstep = Δt)
# get I-V data
current = get_current_val(ctsys, solution, inival, Δt)
push!(IV, current)
push!(biasValues, Δu)
inival = solution
end # time loop
if test == false
println("*** done\n")
if plotting
Plotter.figure()[:], Y[:], solution[ipsi, :])
Plotter.title("Electrostatic potential \$ \\psi \$ at end time")
Plotter.xlabel("length [m]")
Plotter.ylabel("height [m]")
Plotter.zlabel("potential [V]")
# ################
Plotter.figure()[:], Y[:], solution[iphin,:] )
Plotter.title("quasi Fermi potential \$ \\varphi_n \$ at end time")
Plotter.xlabel("length [m]")
Plotter.ylabel("height [m]")
Plotter.zlabel("potential [V]")
# ################
Plotter.plot(biasValues, IV.*(cm)^2/height, label = "", linewidth= 3, marker="o")
Plotter.ylabel("total current [A]") #
Plotter.xlabel("Applied Voltage [V]")
testval = sum(filter(!isnan, solution))/length(solution) # when using sparse storage, we get NaN values in solution
return testval
end # main
function test()
testval = -0.5694033507574118
main(test = true) ≈ testval
if test == false
println("This message should show when this module is successfully recompiled.")
end # module
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